Well, this is my newest endeavor. I read many, many blogs but have never started one of my own till now. Of course, at the urging of a friend (Kat!), I decided this would be the best thing for me to do right now.
A week ago tomorrow, I found out that I'm pregnant. Again. This will be pregnancy number 5, baby number 3. I think I stopped breathing for about 30 minutes when I saw the test. I immediately went to Wal-Mart and purchased a "First Response". It was also positive. Wow.
I have no words really, I'm just wingin' it. I'm totally blown away, yet in a secret place in my heart, I couldn't be happier. I really want a girl. Lord, *please* let it be a girl.
Ok, so that said, I suppose I should give a little background. I am 28, married for almost 9 years, and I have two boys. My oldest, Isaiah, is 6 and my youngest as of now, Noah, is 2. Van, my husband, is an Iraqi war veteran with 2 Purple Hearts. He was shot in the neck by a sniper and is a walking medical miracle. Doctors cannot explain why he alive and not paralyzed, but I know why. The Lord has always kept us safe, kept us fed and clothed, and held us in His hands. I know that He will continue to do so.
Let's see, what else is important? Oh, I work full time and I am a full time college student. (Great timing on the baby thing, huh?!) We are a family with 7 pets and we live with my grandmother for the time being. We have a St. Bernard named Butter, a PitBull/Bull Mastiff mix named Spork (don't ask), two cats: Blue and Sidda, and three rats: Stewart, Rex, and Fat Albert. We are rennovating a house, built in 1900, and hope to have it finished to move in by the middle of July. We simply cannot have another child while living with Grandma.
I have some really great friends, online and in real life. I spend lots of time with my parents, and my mom is my best friend. I mean, my husband is my best friend like only husbands can be, but I need my mommy. :)
Ok, so this post is all over the place. I swear I'll get better at this. And if I don't, well, it's my blog, right? Bless you if you've read this far.
Till next time.
A week ago tomorrow, I found out that I'm pregnant. Again. This will be pregnancy number 5, baby number 3. I think I stopped breathing for about 30 minutes when I saw the test. I immediately went to Wal-Mart and purchased a "First Response". It was also positive. Wow.
I have no words really, I'm just wingin' it. I'm totally blown away, yet in a secret place in my heart, I couldn't be happier. I really want a girl. Lord, *please* let it be a girl.
Ok, so that said, I suppose I should give a little background. I am 28, married for almost 9 years, and I have two boys. My oldest, Isaiah, is 6 and my youngest as of now, Noah, is 2. Van, my husband, is an Iraqi war veteran with 2 Purple Hearts. He was shot in the neck by a sniper and is a walking medical miracle. Doctors cannot explain why he alive and not paralyzed, but I know why. The Lord has always kept us safe, kept us fed and clothed, and held us in His hands. I know that He will continue to do so.
Let's see, what else is important? Oh, I work full time and I am a full time college student. (Great timing on the baby thing, huh?!) We are a family with 7 pets and we live with my grandmother for the time being. We have a St. Bernard named Butter, a PitBull/Bull Mastiff mix named Spork (don't ask), two cats: Blue and Sidda, and three rats: Stewart, Rex, and Fat Albert. We are rennovating a house, built in 1900, and hope to have it finished to move in by the middle of July. We simply cannot have another child while living with Grandma.
I have some really great friends, online and in real life. I spend lots of time with my parents, and my mom is my best friend. I mean, my husband is my best friend like only husbands can be, but I need my mommy. :)
Ok, so this post is all over the place. I swear I'll get better at this. And if I don't, well, it's my blog, right? Bless you if you've read this far.
Till next time.
At 5:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey Renee!!! at least you blog!!!
I'm so happy for all of you! will we get to see baby belly pics?
At 8:05 PM,
Renee said…
Thanks Michele. I don't know if I'll do pics or not. Maybe. :)
At 7:04 AM,
Kat said…
Tee-hee...when I saw the pink, my heart did a flip-flop!
I'm so glad you are blogging. It's nice to have a little piece of the web that you can have to yourself. I'm linking you now!
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