Life's Little Surprises

I'm gonna be a mom, again! Life is full of surprises, and this is a major one for me. I'll record my feelings, pregnancy progress, and general life happenings here.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Half way done...

I haven't really been a fan of taking pictures of my pregnant self. However, because this is the last baby, and there are atleast a few of me pregnant with the boys, I thought I better go ahead and start somewhere. So, before leaving for work tonight, Sweetie took a picture of me. I am now about 21 and a half weeks pregnant.

Before you freak and think I'm huge already, lots of people who've known me years think I am smaller with this baby than with the boys. I dunno what I think yet. I mean, she's sitting really high, so I think the look is just different. Not necessarily smaller.

Anyway, I've been not feeling good so I haven't been on to update about the wrecks and such. I will. Soon. Just not tonight. Sweetie goes back to the surgeon on Friday to see where his treatment goes from here. My little sister is doing well too. She goes to the doctor on Tuesday for a follow-up. Not sure what is going to change for her this soon, but Sweetie might get the go ahead to start trying to walk again. Who knows. That's about all I got on that subject right now.

Real quickly, I have to say my boys are driving me crazy!!! But, they are estatic about their baby sister! Isaiah keeps saying he can't wait to see her and Noah says he wants her to come out now! I'm so glad they are happy. It makes this whole thing so much easier. I love my kids. All four (Sweetie, Isaiah, Noah, Jasmine~in case you thought I was crazy!) of them. ~sigh~


  • At 11:42 PM, Blogger daionara said…

    You look fantastic! You are just so pretty!

  • At 6:51 AM, Blogger d_evans said…

    Aww look at the baby belly! yah!

  • At 6:51 AM, Blogger Kat said…

    Hey! Where's the smile?!

    You look great! I can't wait to see this baby grow.

  • At 9:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Renee, you look beautiful but I agree with Kat---- where's your pretty smile?

    I can't wait for Jasmine pics!

  • At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Renee, you look beautiful but I agree with Kat---- where's your pretty smile?

    I can't wait for Jasmine pics!


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