My day with Sweetie
If you haven't noticed yet, I haven't used sweetie's name. Well, call me paranoid, but I just can't get past the idea of naming all my family members on a public internet site. Of course, most of you who read this know all of our names, and I've already listed my boys' names. Ok, call me crazy.
Anyway, today was sweetie's appointment at the VA to help determine his disability for his injuries sustained during his military service. The doctor was an older man, very nice, and very thorough. We spent from 8:30 this morning til 11:30 in his office while he examined sweetie and noted every single ailment he has. So, sweetie has to disrobe to just his "undershorts". Normally he goes commando, but insisted on underwear this morning. (Thank Goodness!!) All of the normal deep breaths and blood pressure checks and reflexes. Then the doc has sweetie stand up from the table and face him. As I watch, the doc lowers sweeties "undershorts" and this is the conversation that I hear:
Doc: My, that's a very nice circumcision you've got there.
Sweetie: Uh....thanks?.
Doc: Did you have this done as an infant? Do you have any recollection of your circumcision?
Sweetie: Um, no.
Doc: Well, they did a really good job. It's very nice.
Of course, I am laughing hysterically. I could NOT control it. Sweetie, in prime form, lifts one hand and flips me off, which made me laugh even harder. It was SO funny. Of course, then the doc says, "This exam requires a rectal exam, please bend over the table." OMG!! I couldn't believe the doc was gonna do a prostate exam with me in the room! However, he did.
I won't bore you with the details, but suffice it to say, sweetie felt very....violated. This was his first ever butt probe, and the whole circumcision conversation, well, he just really felt yucky. (LOL) I tried to explain that women have to be violated in a similar way once a year, but he says that isn't the same. I say it is. And, I reminded him, while pregnant women have to have that dang strep B test where they swab your bunghole.
Poor baby, I feel bad for laughing at him. Ok, not really. But I do sympathize. It sucks to be violated, no matter how it's done. :)
(This will have to be continued later, as the day was not nearly as fun after the appointment.)
Anyway, today was sweetie's appointment at the VA to help determine his disability for his injuries sustained during his military service. The doctor was an older man, very nice, and very thorough. We spent from 8:30 this morning til 11:30 in his office while he examined sweetie and noted every single ailment he has. So, sweetie has to disrobe to just his "undershorts". Normally he goes commando, but insisted on underwear this morning. (Thank Goodness!!) All of the normal deep breaths and blood pressure checks and reflexes. Then the doc has sweetie stand up from the table and face him. As I watch, the doc lowers sweeties "undershorts" and this is the conversation that I hear:
Doc: My, that's a very nice circumcision you've got there.
Sweetie: Uh....thanks?.
Doc: Did you have this done as an infant? Do you have any recollection of your circumcision?
Sweetie: Um, no.
Doc: Well, they did a really good job. It's very nice.
Of course, I am laughing hysterically. I could NOT control it. Sweetie, in prime form, lifts one hand and flips me off, which made me laugh even harder. It was SO funny. Of course, then the doc says, "This exam requires a rectal exam, please bend over the table." OMG!! I couldn't believe the doc was gonna do a prostate exam with me in the room! However, he did.
I won't bore you with the details, but suffice it to say, sweetie felt very....violated. This was his first ever butt probe, and the whole circumcision conversation, well, he just really felt yucky. (LOL) I tried to explain that women have to be violated in a similar way once a year, but he says that isn't the same. I say it is. And, I reminded him, while pregnant women have to have that dang strep B test where they swab your bunghole.
Poor baby, I feel bad for laughing at him. Ok, not really. But I do sympathize. It sucks to be violated, no matter how it's done. :)
(This will have to be continued later, as the day was not nearly as fun after the appointment.)
At 4:59 AM,
daionara said…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Poor violated sweetie!
At 7:02 AM,
Kat said…
Can I nominate this as 'Best Post Ever?' What a great bedside manner...*smirk*
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