Pregnancy memory lapse...
I am so forgetful. I have been unable to remember my password since the last time I blogged, and unable to get the urge to contact blogger to get a new one. So, tonight I got my password redone, and I'm here.
Let's see...I still haven't updated on the wrecks. Short but sweet, here are the stories. On July 15th, we had a family reunion to go to. Sweetie, my dad, my uncle, and my cousin all rode their motorcycles to the event, while the ladies and kids took the cars. Everything went fine, and we were on the way home. Sweetie and my cousin, who have very fast street bikes, got stopped by a little cowpoke town cop, but let go because the officer didn't see them doing anything wrong. They take off, and I'm last in the line of 4 motorcycles and 4 cars. I'm cruising along and come around a blind corner to see Sweetie's motorcycle on it's side and Sweetie laying on the ground. I think I stopped breathing. I had the truck in park before it came to a stop and I was over to him in no time flat. At first I thought he was ok, but then I saw his ankle was very distorted. I asked him if he wanted me to call and ambulance and he said yes, so I did that. Everyone was there and up in Sweetie's face. When the highway patrol got there, I had to tell him what happened and show him all the registrations and such. Then we got in the ambulance and went to the hospital. (Mom took the boys home with her.) The trauma center was activiated for his arrival at the hospital, where he had emergency surgery to a badly broken ankle. He now has three pins and three screws in his right ankle. It's painful but usable. And he finally rode his motorcycle for the first time just this past week. He is doing pretty good other than the saddness we both have about his wrecking in the first place.
My sister's wreck happened on August 8th. She and her boyfriend were on their way to somehwere (not sure where) when she drifted over the center line just slightly at the top of a hill. Her bf told her to watch out, so she jerked the car to the right, noticed the huge drop off on that side, jerked it back to the left, got scared, let go of the wheel and covered her eyes, rolling the car. She had her seatbelt on and he didn't. When the car stopped, Shawn had the sense to turn off the engine and get them both out of the car. He called 911, and after 3 cars drove by, someone stopped to help. My sister had back pain, so she laid in the ditch while a man in the car that stopped held her head. She was rushed the emergency room by ambulance, where I went to be with her til Mom and Shawn got there. After xrays, it was revealed that she had a broken back. Her feet were tingling and she was in a lot of pain. So, she was lifeflighted to a hospital that specializes in neurological injuries where she spent about 6 days (I think!). She now has a turtle shell back brace that she must wear until atleast November 8th, possibly the 14th. And after that 3 month phase of healing in a brace, she gets 3 more months of physical healing and recovery to get back to where she was when she broke her back. She didn't require surgery, thank God, but she must be very careful to avoid any future back trauma. She was very lucky that when the disc in her back blew out it didn't sever or lodge in her spinal cord. Her car looked like one that probably shouldn't have had survivors.
Baby update: On October 9th, I had my 3D ultrasound. It was very cool, but this baby would not move so we could get very many good pictures. I got a $75 discount on the procedure because the baby is so stubborn. LOL We did get to confirm that we are, in fact, having a girl. Miss Jasmine is shy and tried to hide those girly bits, but we got a picture of them. :) She is so beautiful already!! She looks like Noah from the lips down, and she wrinkles her brow like Sweetie when he's angry. We are still undecided about her nose. In some pictures she appears to have my nose and others it likes like Sweeties. I hope when she's born her nose looks like mine. :) She has hair and we saw some of it on the ultrasound. I just can't wait to hold her. I mean, a baby girl with pink clothes and hair bands and butterflies and all that girly stuff, I am beside myself. I still find all this little baby boy stuff and it's so cute, and then I remember, OMG! I'm having a GIRL!! I know it sounds crazy, but I just can't imagine how it's going to be. A daughter in the midst of all these boys. Sweetie is already turning to mush. You should have seen him looking at baby girl dresses today at Babies R Us. He is adorable when he talks about his baby girl. :)
Anyway, I'll get another belly picture taken tomorrow when Sweetie is home. (He's at work right now.) I had to buy a maternal support belt today because my hips are so displaced. My chiropractor said he isn't sure how I will be able to last thru December with the way my hips are already acting. Lots and lots of adjustments, I guess. We shall see.
Well, hopefully I'll be more diligent about blogging now that time is nearing for Jasmine to come out. I want to record as much as I can about these last weeks of my final pregnancy. I go to the doctor on Monday, so I'll update then. See ya! :)
Let's see...I still haven't updated on the wrecks. Short but sweet, here are the stories. On July 15th, we had a family reunion to go to. Sweetie, my dad, my uncle, and my cousin all rode their motorcycles to the event, while the ladies and kids took the cars. Everything went fine, and we were on the way home. Sweetie and my cousin, who have very fast street bikes, got stopped by a little cowpoke town cop, but let go because the officer didn't see them doing anything wrong. They take off, and I'm last in the line of 4 motorcycles and 4 cars. I'm cruising along and come around a blind corner to see Sweetie's motorcycle on it's side and Sweetie laying on the ground. I think I stopped breathing. I had the truck in park before it came to a stop and I was over to him in no time flat. At first I thought he was ok, but then I saw his ankle was very distorted. I asked him if he wanted me to call and ambulance and he said yes, so I did that. Everyone was there and up in Sweetie's face. When the highway patrol got there, I had to tell him what happened and show him all the registrations and such. Then we got in the ambulance and went to the hospital. (Mom took the boys home with her.) The trauma center was activiated for his arrival at the hospital, where he had emergency surgery to a badly broken ankle. He now has three pins and three screws in his right ankle. It's painful but usable. And he finally rode his motorcycle for the first time just this past week. He is doing pretty good other than the saddness we both have about his wrecking in the first place.
My sister's wreck happened on August 8th. She and her boyfriend were on their way to somehwere (not sure where) when she drifted over the center line just slightly at the top of a hill. Her bf told her to watch out, so she jerked the car to the right, noticed the huge drop off on that side, jerked it back to the left, got scared, let go of the wheel and covered her eyes, rolling the car. She had her seatbelt on and he didn't. When the car stopped, Shawn had the sense to turn off the engine and get them both out of the car. He called 911, and after 3 cars drove by, someone stopped to help. My sister had back pain, so she laid in the ditch while a man in the car that stopped held her head. She was rushed the emergency room by ambulance, where I went to be with her til Mom and Shawn got there. After xrays, it was revealed that she had a broken back. Her feet were tingling and she was in a lot of pain. So, she was lifeflighted to a hospital that specializes in neurological injuries where she spent about 6 days (I think!). She now has a turtle shell back brace that she must wear until atleast November 8th, possibly the 14th. And after that 3 month phase of healing in a brace, she gets 3 more months of physical healing and recovery to get back to where she was when she broke her back. She didn't require surgery, thank God, but she must be very careful to avoid any future back trauma. She was very lucky that when the disc in her back blew out it didn't sever or lodge in her spinal cord. Her car looked like one that probably shouldn't have had survivors.
Baby update: On October 9th, I had my 3D ultrasound. It was very cool, but this baby would not move so we could get very many good pictures. I got a $75 discount on the procedure because the baby is so stubborn. LOL We did get to confirm that we are, in fact, having a girl. Miss Jasmine is shy and tried to hide those girly bits, but we got a picture of them. :) She is so beautiful already!! She looks like Noah from the lips down, and she wrinkles her brow like Sweetie when he's angry. We are still undecided about her nose. In some pictures she appears to have my nose and others it likes like Sweeties. I hope when she's born her nose looks like mine. :) She has hair and we saw some of it on the ultrasound. I just can't wait to hold her. I mean, a baby girl with pink clothes and hair bands and butterflies and all that girly stuff, I am beside myself. I still find all this little baby boy stuff and it's so cute, and then I remember, OMG! I'm having a GIRL!! I know it sounds crazy, but I just can't imagine how it's going to be. A daughter in the midst of all these boys. Sweetie is already turning to mush. You should have seen him looking at baby girl dresses today at Babies R Us. He is adorable when he talks about his baby girl. :)
Anyway, I'll get another belly picture taken tomorrow when Sweetie is home. (He's at work right now.) I had to buy a maternal support belt today because my hips are so displaced. My chiropractor said he isn't sure how I will be able to last thru December with the way my hips are already acting. Lots and lots of adjustments, I guess. We shall see.
Well, hopefully I'll be more diligent about blogging now that time is nearing for Jasmine to come out. I want to record as much as I can about these last weeks of my final pregnancy. I go to the doctor on Monday, so I'll update then. See ya! :)
At 12:57 AM,
daionara said…
Oh it figures some goobershiest posts before I can!
WOW. Sorry about your sweety and your sis's acccidents. I'm glad your sweetie is mending and I'll say prayers for your sis.
At 11:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
So glad to see you blogging again ... I've missed you!
How scary for you when your sweetie had his accident. Thankfully both him and your sister are healing.
And it's awesome to hear happy news about Jasmine!
At 11:17 AM,
Renee said…
I finally figured out how to delete that stupid spammer comment.
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