Life's Little Surprises

I'm gonna be a mom, again! Life is full of surprises, and this is a major one for me. I'll record my feelings, pregnancy progress, and general life happenings here.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

This journey I'm on....

So, when I first found out I was pregnant, I didn't realize how fortunate I was. I wasn't sick, my boobs didn't hurt, my sex drive remained unchanged, and I was genuinely thrilled to be having it so easy. Well, much to my dismay, that has ALL changed. Why is it that women must travel down this road of pregnancy, mostly on their own, with no breaks from the torture that generations of women before us have endured?

Since my last post, I have become a walking bucket of vomit, that can't quite seem to release itself from the structure that houses it. I hate to have that puky feeling, but never get the satisfaction of actually emptying the offending substance from my stomach. I have lived on saltines and water for days now. And that pesky smoking habit? It's almost squashed. I went from a pack-a-day smoker to about 5 smokes in one day. I have no doubt that I could probably never pick up another cigarette. However, because I'm stubborn, and I refuse to quit on any standards but my own, I've had 5 today. I figure when this pack is gone, I'll be done with them. I can't guarantee I'll never smoke again in my life, but until this baby is in my arms, I think I'm done. The only time one even remotely tastes good is at work when I'm on break, and I could just go across the street and get a custard sundae in place of a cigarette. Hell, I'm gaining weight anyway, so why not enjoy the good things in life, right?

On top of wanting to blow chunks with every tiny body movement and not being able to enjoy my ONE vice, my boobs feel like they have been squished and pinched to the point of swelling and deep tissue bruising. I am rather blessed in that area to begin with, and with every child, my cup size has gone up. From a C with the first, to a D with the second, and now sitting at a DD. I wonder how much money I'll have to spend to buy a good fitting bra once this baby gets here? I don't even know what the next cup size is! Lord, please have mercy on me. My boobs are big enough, thankyouverymuch.

As you probably can surmise, because of the aforementioned afflictions, I have no sex drive now. How unfortunate for sweetie. He has been very good about this, and has even been sympathetic to my "morning" sickness. Now if I could get him to agree to getting his "boys" incapacitated, he'd be perfect. Ok, not perfect, but wonderful, nonetheless. He has a real aversion to even thinking about getting "fixed" because it involves his manly bits. What a baby, right? I told him that it's only fair, since I have to go thru all this blah-ness of pregnancy and he gets to sit by and simply feel sorry for me. He doesn't agree.

Well, I suppose that's the best update I have for now. The house is a mess, the laundry is piled up, and the dishes have been waiting for a few days. I guess that's how it goes until the second trimester kicks in. Please pray for sanity.


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