Happy Birthday, Noah!

Three years ago today, my second baby boy came into this world. Truth be told, I was scared, but excited all the same. He, unlike Isaiah, was born naturally (read: vaginally), so it was like having my first baby all over again. He was beginning to distress and it was scary and he needed to get out, and then, there he was. He cried and Sweetie cut the cord. He was beautiful! Of course, I didn't get to hold him til he was a few hours old. He had wet lung, so they had to suction his lungs out and monitor him. But finally, he was in my arms. And, he actually looked like me!! (Isaiah is a clone of Sweetie.)
Now, today, he's three years old. He's still got big, beautiful baby blue eyes. He's got his daddy's dark blonde hair, and he's too smart for his own good. He picks on his big brother, and cries when the favor is returned. He loves to cuddle with me, but not many other people, and he has finally mastered the toilet. He tells me he's not my baby anymore, but "On a big boy, mom" and he expects me to view him as such. He wants to be just like Isaiah, but behaves better because you know you never make the same mistakes with the second one as you did the first.
Today we are going to Build-a-Dino. They don't know where we're going, just that we are going to a "surprise" for Noah's birthday. Even Jasmine is bouncing off the walls this morning. Guess she's excited too. :) Noah's party is at 4:30 this afternoon, and we are gonna try to get to the pumpkin patch after Build-a-Dino, but before the party, so we shall see.
I can't believe how big my baby boy is. He may be a "big boy, mom" but he's still my baby.
At 8:06 AM,
Kat said…
Happy birthday Noah! I remember when your mama found out she was pregnant with you - and when you were born.
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