So in love....
Wow, it's been a while. I am so in love. My baby girl is here!! On Friday, December 15th, I went in to be checked because I thought I might have a leak in my amniotic bag. I arrived at the hospital around 3pm, and within about 20 minutes, was told my water was leaking and I was staying!! The nurses had me walking, trying to encourage contractions, which wasn't happening. Around 6:45pm, the doc came in and checked me and I was put on pitocin. I started having contractions, but even the pitocin wasn't enough to get me to dilate. Around 11pm, the doc came in and said that if I didn't progress within an hour, I would have to have a csection. She also noted that the presenting part of the baby didn't feel like the "normal" part of the head, although it was part of her head. Around 11:50pm, she came back in and I had not progressed, so I was prepped for csection. Once in there, my baby girl Jasmine Faith, was born at 12:26am on December 16th. And sure enough, she was crooked. The doc thought her forhead was presenting, and she was right.
The moment Jasmine came out, she cried. I have never been so overcome with emotion before. Neither of my boys cried right away at birth, so hearing her cry was so awesome. She was one upset baby!! The doc held her over the drape so I could see her, and she was beautiful!! As the doc finished up with me, Sweetie went to Jasmine and took pics and watched as the nurses cleaned her up a bit and got her wrapped up to go to the nursery. She is perfect and healthy, and so amazing.
Van came back and told me what she weighed. She was 6lbs 14oz and 19 inches long. She has a head full of gorgeous dark brown hair, and the tiniest fingers and toes. Her apgar scores were 8 and 9! She is everything I had prayed for and more. She is just so......wonderful. I love her so much.
The boys are doing great with her. They love her and are always wanting to hold her and touch her. At first, Noah said he didn't want to bring her home, but the 2nd day, he changed his mind. Isaiah, of course, is very thoughtful and gentle, and he dotes on his baby sister. Sweetie is completely wrapped around her little baby finger, and has been since the moment she cried in the operating room. He sings silly little songs to her, and kisses her and nuzzles her so sweetly. I don't think he was at all thrilled with the idea of another baby at first, but I think now he is as in love as I am. :)
As of today, Jasmine and I are doing ok. I'm weaning off my pain pills; got my staples out yesterday. Jasmine had a bit of jaundice, but has started to get better from that. Tomorrow we are actually traveling about 2 hours to a great grandma's house for Christmas. It should be interesting.
So, without further adieu, here is baby Jasmine Faith:
At 11:02 PM,
Unknown said…
Congratulations on the baby! She is beautiful just like mom. I hope you are doing well.
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