Don't fall over....
but it's a new post!! I have been so neglectful of my blog, I know. It's very hard being the mother of 3 children. I mean, I have the actual children, and then I have Sweetie. It's a rough life sometimes.
I want you all to know that having a girl is everything I ever dreamed it would be, and more. Jasmine is the most precious baby girl. She is growing SO much!! She totally has her daddy wrapped around her little baby finger, and her big brothers are totally smitten. She can't whimper without one of them going to her. She wants for nothing.
Life in general has been so crazy. After Jasmine was born, we decided to start looking to buy a home. We started the process in February, and finally closed on our new home April 24th. We moved in and it's been great. We had a few minor things to take care of, like a blocked main pipe under the house. It was covered by the home warranty, but the two weeks of waiting for someone to get here to fix it did nothing for the carpet in my basement when the water would back up. I now have to cut the carpet out of that area because it is funky. Other than that, we've had a really good experience. Owning my own home is fabulous. I love that I can do whatever I want and no one can do anything about it.
The kids are good. Isaiah has been in soccer and baseball for the last 2 months. He does really well in both sports, but practices and games are hectic because they sometimes overlap. Thank goodness that soccer ended last week, except for the awards ceremony. Bubba has also finished the 1st grade. He was promoted to 2nd grade. I didn't have a doubt in my mind that he would do great in school. His behavior has improved significantly since the start of 1st grade, so hopefully he has an awesome teacher in this new school district we've moved to as he did in the old one. He starts summer school next Tuesday. It's his first day in a new school, and I figured if he gets the jitters out at summer school, the first day of 2nd grade won't be so bad.
Noah is doing great as well. He loves going to his baby sitter, Anne, everyday. He has the best time there, and loves to tell me about his day and his little friends. He's totally advanced according to Anne. She has kids that are 4 and 5 years old that aren't as intellectual as Noah. That makes me so proud. The sad part is he can't start school til 2009 because his birthday is in October. I hope to put him in preschool next year.
Jasmine is getting so big. She is 5 1/2 months old already!! She is loving her solid foods, and is trying to crawl already. She can get on her hands and knees, but hasn't got the strength yet to move. She is such a little chunky dunk. She has such cute little rolls of fat that the boys never had!! She is the most beautiful little girl. I love her so much.
Sweetie is good. He's such a doll to me. Tonight, out of the blue, he said, "I love you. And I appreciate all the things you do for me." It made me feel so good. He has a tendency to take me for granted without realizing, so hearing those words was such a treat for me. I love that man of mine.
Anyway, I know there are oodles of other things to update on, but I'm so far behind that I think I'm just gonna leave it at that. I'm going to attempt to add some pics in here too. I'm gonna try to update a little more often. I mean, 5 months is a long time with no news, huh?

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