Ice Cream and Carpet Shampoo
Today was very productive. My mother in law is here, as well as my 17 year old brother in law. We shampooed carpets. Oh. My. Gosh. Talk about tiring. Since buying a new house, I have found that not all people are clean, just because they own a nice home. The people that used to live here must have been slobs. I mean, yeah, I know that carpets get dirty, and I know that sometimes laundry piles up, and I even know that an occasional accident with the new puppy can't be avoided. But I do not know, for the life of me, how these people could live in such nasty conditions. The house was a foreclosure, so I know they didn't have alot of money. But!! doesn't take lots of money to vacuum, nor does it take lots of money to blot up a mess, should one occur. The house was completed rebuilt, thus new carpet, fixtures, furniture, floors, etc., in late 2005, so I know they were just lazy.
Anyway, I cleaned the house the weekend before we closed on it, so when we were ready to move in, the house would be up to par. The stuff I found then was bad enough. However, I didn't have time to shampoo carpets then. So, today, when I commenced to getting the grime out, I was totally grossed out. I mean, the water from the shampooer was black. NOT KIDDING! I had to go over the basement carpet twice, because it just felt.....weird. Thankfully, I was able to get all the necessary rooms done today, and only have the upstairs hallway left to finish tomorrow. My carpet feels so soft and clean under my feet now. :)
So, the ice cream thing. I needed a reward for all my hard work. My MIL went to the grocery store to get a few things and I told her I wanted something chocolate, fudgy, something, ice cream. "Death by Chocolate", if you will. She brought back the most devine ice cream I think I've ever put in my mouth!! It's made my Blue Bell, and it's called Mama's Cake and Ice cream. It's vanilla ice cream with chocolate cake in it, plus a fudgy ribbon throughout. It's freakin' heaven, on a spoon.

Quick baby update: Jasmine is getting so close to crawling! She can get on her hands and knees, and then she rocks back and forth. It won't be long til she really gets moving! She is also getting so big that she is now wearing some 12 month size clothes! She still fits in 6-9 months, but that size is starting to be too tight, since she's my little chunkin' dunk. I mean, really, look at the baby cleavage! :)
The boys are doing well. Isaiah has started summer school at his new school, and so far, so good. Noah is getting to that terrible 3's stage I had hoped would never come with him, but it has. If I say it's black, he'll argue to the death that it's white. He's gonna make a great president someday. :)
Hope you all have a great Sunday tomorrow. I'm going to do nothing but rest. :)
At 9:15 AM,
Kat said… cleavage - that's so spot on, I love it! Congratulations on the house.
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