Let's just face it...

And Noah thought it would be hilarious to compare bellies, so here is a shot of my belly and his:
This is the child that tells me daily, "Mama, your belly is growin'". I alway reply with "It is? I wonder why?" to which he says, "cuz you got the baby in dere." It's terribly cute, and all to true. He is so funny.
On other fronts, things are good. Sweetie is doing pretty decent given his issues, and his ankle is healing, although I think it'll always be painful for him. My sister is still recovering nicely from her broken back. She has been weaning herself out of the back brace now for over a week, and will completely out of it by Novemeber 14th. I'm still nervous about that, but she's a big girl and can decide what she can handle and what she can't.
Isaiah finally got his school pictures today. He actually had teeth when they were taken. Now he is toothless. He is missing both front top teeth, plus one on the bottom. I always wanna get his pictures taken just to remember the moment. I mean, it's not like they just fell out. He thought playing tug of war like a doggie, and letting the neighbor kids yank on the rope would be fun. I guess it probably was until the rope ripped one of his front teeth completely out, and encouraged the other one and the bottom one to become ready for removal. The dentist actually had to pull the other top front, and the bottom was ok long enough that Isaiah pulled it on his own. Good grief. Is this what I have to look forward to as the mother of boys? *sigh*
***Note*** Blogger is sucking right now and won't let me upload another picture. I'll post one of the boys next time.
I guess that's it for now. Except I wanted to post a pic of Jasmine's nursery. Guess I'll do that next time too. I'll even blog about my baby shower. Hopefully tomorrow. Til then..... :)